Thursday, 11 August 2011

Summer fruit smoothie.

Here is my Summer fruit smoothie with a citrus twist.

Ingredients    Serves 1
4 Strawberries
1 Banana
2Tbsp Orange Juice
2 Tbsp Lemon Sorbet

1. Put everything except orange juice into a blender or use a stick blender.
2. Add orange juice until the smoothie is the consistency you like.
3. Poor into a glass.
4. Enjoy!

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Japanese Inspired Asparagus and Pasta

*Picture Coming Soon*
Ingredients (Serves 1)
6 Spears of Fresh Asparagus

About 12 French/Green Beans
1 Tsp Light Soy Sauce

1 Tbsp White Sesame Seeds
3 Sheets of Lasagna Pasta (Or 60g of Uncooked Pasta)

1. Put the pasta on to boil for 6 Minutes.
2. Whilst the pasta is cooking cut the ends off the Asparagus and Green Beans, Add the green beans to the pasta after 6 Minutes then cook for a further 4Minutes until the pasta is cooked.
3. Cook the Asparagus for 2 Minutes in Boiling water and then remove and put into a small bowl.
4. To the Asparagus add the Soy Sauce and Sesame Seeds Mix to combine.
5. Using a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan cook the asparagus until the griddle makes marks on them (or until golden if using a frying pan).

6. Put the Asparagus onto a plate and Cook the remaining Soy and Sesame to make a dressing.
7. Layer the Pasta, Green Beans and Soy and Sesame dressing over the Asparagus.
8. Enjoy

Nutritional Info
316 Kcal, 1332 KJ, 12.7g Protein, 49.2g Carbohydrates.